Who I Am

Those who know me and my capacity to be long winded will be surprised to learn I hate talking about myself. I always come away less than impressed and more than a bit mortified. That being said, here’s my deal. I am the rare, native born Angeleno who still resides in Los Angeles.However, I confess, recently I’ve been dabbling with moving to Nashville. For now, it’s a shared custody situation. I attended CalArts, where I received a BFA in Theatre. A degree I no longer use as I have spent most of my time homeschooling kids, gardening and traveling the world with my family. I started writing seriously a few years ago and love the challenge of both short and long form. My stupid husband – a term I use with love and sincere admiration – convinced me to venture into screenwriting. So now I have several pilots and features under my belt.  Coming to writing later in life is thrilling. It’s like being 18 all over again and standing at the precipice of your new, independent life. Except this time for the most part you know who you are, you don’t have annoying roommates and there’s more on the menu than Top Ramen. I have just completed my first novel Mother’s Girl, a Magical Realism Mystery, and am currently working on the sequel, The Girl in the Cage. I am also transforming one of my pilots, The Mysteries of Madison Avenue, into a series of novels – because why the hell not.

ps. All photos are mine. Probably taken on an iPhone.